Academic Policy

Academic Guidance

The academic program of Central Florida Bible College (CFBC) is designed to prepare the student for effective ministry. Therefore, guidance relating to individual programs of study, course enrollment, and graduation requirements is provided through the Academic Dean.


Students are to register the month prior to the start of class. All fees must be paid prior to class.

Transfer Students or Credits

Students transferring credits to CFBC from another Institution(s) of higher learning must have an official, sealed transcript sent directly from the Institution(s) to CFBC. The student is responsible to follow up with the Academic Dean to determine whether all transcripts have been received.

Students are required to complete a minimum of thirty (30) credit hours in one of the CFBC programs toward the bachelor’s degree or graduation.

Transfer of Credits to Another Institution

The student should inquire directly with the school, which he/she plans to attend to determine if they will accept credits from CFBC. All credits will be forwarded at the completion of 30 credit hours for each program.


Transcripts may be requested from CBFC by the students. A transcript request form must be mailed or emailed to the office of the Academic Dean. The Transcript request form will be provided to the student upon request. There is a $7.00 charge for each OFFICIAL transcript and a $5.00 charge for each UNOFFICIAL transcript requested. Official Transcripts must be mailed or picked up in person. A student that still owes tuition will not receive a transcript until all tuition is paid in full.

Failure of Course or Withdrawal from Central Florida Bible College

Failure to complete a course within 3 weeks, unless otherwise approved, will result in a failed (“F”) class. The student will receive an “F” for any course with unsatisfied requirements. The class must be retaken, and fees will apply.

A student who has not withdrawn from CFBC but has not participated in a class for 6 months will be automatically withdrawn from CFBC. No tuition will be refunded, and all fees must be paid to re-enroll in CFBC.

If a student chooses to withdraw from CFBC, he or she must speak with the Academic Dean, and the proper Withdrawal Form must be completed and signed. Unless a student formally withdraws, he/she will not be eligible for re-admission without a formal interview with the Academic Dean and/or President of the College. A “W” does not count against a student’s GPA.

Academic Difficulties

Any academic difficulties are to be referred to the Academic Dean. For an appointment, please call the CFBC office at 352-583-7674.

Media Use in the classroom

Use of video recording of any class without prior permission is strictly prohibited. A student may use a laptop computer, tablet or I-Pod in class to take notes or for downloaded textbooks.