Degree Programs

 Associate of Arts (A.A.) Degree

Central Florida Bible College has established a rotating two-year program where students accrue 30 credit-hours of coursework. Each year’s program is made up of 9 courses and 1 Ministerial Practicum for 3 credit hours each. All Ministerial Practicum requirements must be met for licensing. A minimum of 72 hours of Ministerial Practicum must be completed by the students, preferably, in their specific area of ministry, or in any other area of ministry.

This course of study provides the student with a solid biblical foundation through studying, interpreting, and applying God’s Word, The Bible. It provides basic doctrinal and theological qualifications and prepares the student to serve as an effective minister in the Kingdom of God.

Upon completion of this course of study (A.A. degree), the student will earn a Ministerial License to work in the various areas of the five-fold ministry, or any other ministry of help. It will also prepare the student to continue with their undergraduate studies.

  • Program #1: First Year

The first-year program is foundational; it is required for all CFBC students. It is a core program and a prerequisite for those who will continue toward associate and undergraduate degrees.

Upon completion of the first year of studies, the student will be awarded a Diploma in Practical Biblical Studies and an Assisting Ministerial License.  The student will be able to work in the local church in their specific area of ministry, or any other church-related ministry, under the supervision of the local Pastor or any other Minister or Leader assigned by the Pastor.

  • Program #2: Second Year

The second-year program is designed to help students to become more effective in their specific area of ministry or any other church-related ministry.

Upon completion of the second year of studies, the student will earn an Associate of Arts degree and Diploma in Christian Ministry Studies (CHM). Their previous Ministerial License will be upgraded to an Assistant Ministerial License.  Under this License, the student will be able to work more independently in their area of ministry, or any other church-related ministry as directed by their local Pastor.


Bachelor’s Degree (B.A.)

A Bachelor’s degree is awarded to a student who has successfully completed the four-year program for college credit, accruing a total of 120 credit hours. Students wanting to continue their studies toward a bachelor’s degree MUST complete all required coursework for programs #1 and #2.

CFBC offers two major courses of study toward a bachelor’s degree:

  • Pastoral Ministry (PAM)

This course of study is intended to equip the student for Pastoral Ministry in the local Church and worldwide. Its main emphasis is equipping the student in the Five-Fold Ministry (Ephesians 4:11) and other areas of Ministry, such as Ministry of Helps (1 Corinthians 12:28) to be more effective in Christian Ministry.

  • Christian Education (CED)

The main purpose of this course of study is to equip and prepare capable ministers to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2) how to perpetuate and propagate the Gospel according to Matthew 28:19-20, to lead others to Christ, and to allow them to grow spiritually in the Kingdom of God. Biblical teaching and learning are the essential elements of the Christian Education course of study. It is intended to equip the student to be an effective Bible and Christian Education teacher in Christian Education programs such as Christian Schools, Bible College, Sunday School or other Church Education Programs. It addresses the dynamics of teaching and the study of new theories of learning and educational methods to reach students of various ages, from children to adults.

Students are required to complete Programs (years) #3 and #4. Each program is made up of 9 courses and 1 Ministerial Practicum of 3 credit hours each. A minimum of 72 hours of Ministerial Practicum must be completed by the student in any area of ministry, preferably, in the area of ministry they are majoring in. During the fourth year, at least 50% of the Ministerial Practicum must be directly related to the student’s major course of study. All Ministerial Practicum and Licensing Agreement requirements must be met for licensing. See Appendix B for Ministerial Practicum forms.

A student transferring credits to CFBC from another institution of higher learning must have an official, sealed transcript sent directly from the institution to CFBC. A minimum of thirty (30) credit hours of study in one of CFBC’s programs are required to earn a bachelor’s degree and to graduate from CFBC.

  •  Program #3: Third Year

The third year is designed for those students who will continue their education toward their bachelor’s degree majoring in any of the two major courses of study offered by CFBC. It is a prerequisite for Program #4. The courses provided in this program are geared for students’ major course of study and will also help them become more effective in their specific area of ministry, or any other church-related ministry.

All third-year program students must have chosen a major course of study (Pastoral Ministry or Christian Education) by March 31st of the current graduating year.

Upon completion of the third year, the student will be awarded an Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry Studies. The student’s current Assistant Ministerial License will be renewed during CFBC graduation ceremony. In this program, the student is encouraged to continue to work more independently in their area of ministry, or any other church-related ministry as directed by their local Pastor.

  • Program #4: Fourth Year

The fourth year is the most intensive, where students will be working mostly in the major course of study they selected. The program is divided into two parts. During the first part of the program (first semester), the classes are geared for both major courses of study (4 courses, 12 credit hours). The second part of the program (second semester) provides a subject concentration focused on the student’s major course of study (5 courses, plus Ministerial Practicum, 18 credit hours for each course of study).

Upon completion of this program, the student will graduate with a bachelor’s degree and will be awarded a diploma in their major course of study. The student’s current Ministerial License will be renewed during CFBC graduation ceremony. Upon request, the student may be ordained in their major course of study or another specific area of ministry and will receive an Ordained Minister’s License. Arrangements for the ordination ceremony must be made beforehand by the student with the President of the College.